Are all CBD Oils the same? No, some CBD Oils are derived from the Industrial Hemp plant and some are derived from CBD Dominant female Cannabis plants.
Hemp Cannabidiol (CBD)
CBD Oil derived from Industrial Hemp plants has little medicinal value.
Industrial hemp typically contains far less cannabidiol than CBD dominant cannabis strains. This means a huge amount of industrial hemp is required to extract a small amount of CBD.
This raises the risk of contaminants as hemp is a “bio-accumulator”, meaning the plant naturally draws toxins from the soil.
Hemp derived CBD also lacks critical medicinal terpenes and terpeniods. Terpenes and terpenoids interact with cannabinoids such as CBD to enhance their medicinal value.
Cannabis Cannabidiol (CBD)
The highest quality CBD Oil with high medicinal value containing all the critical medicinal terpenes and terpenoids is derived from the buds/flowers of 100% organically grown female CBD dominant cannabis plants.
These plants contain less than 0.02% THC and 20% CBD. Like Charlotte’s Web for example, (see Charlotte’s web video in the Epilepsy Post) where the use and legalisation of CBD Oil began.
NOTE: CBD Oil should not be confused with Cannabis oil such as Rick Simpsons Oil (RSO). Cannabis oil typically contains a high amount of THC with a less amount of CBD.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the psycho-active cannabinoid which produces the high stoned feeling.
Most medicinal cannabis plants grown today (other then those bred specifically for high CBD and low THC) have very high levels of THC, typically 15-22% and very low levels of CBD, often as low as 0.05%. .
THC also has a variety of medicinal properties, one of the most common uses of cannabis with high THC is for pain relief.
The problem with high THC and low CBD levels is that THC can cause paranoia, anxiety and even psychosis in some people.
CBD counteracts the negative psycho-activity of THC.
Therefore CBD is an appealing option for patients looking for relief from inflammation, pain, anxiety, psychosis, seizures, spasms and other conditions without the disconcerting feelings of lethargy, anxiety and feeling stoned.Disclaimer: THC is illegal in the UK at this present time, CBD Family Forum does not promote the buying, selling, growing or the use of illegal substances such as cannabis. CBD Family Forum provides information for educational purposes only.